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Google Pagespeed Insights For SEO

Google Pagespeed Insights For SEO

Web page speed is one of the most effective SEO factors in 2020. Google pagespeed insights is one of the great free tools by Google for SEO. It identifies the issues related to website performance and gives the necessary suggestion to the website owners or, SEO optimizer.

You can check web page speed both in desktop and mobile devices. This Important SEO information you can get from pagespeed insights-

  • Website performance score based on some parameters. More than 60 is good
  • Info about Unused Javascript
  • Details about blocking resources
  • Third-party code
  • Necessary Image Optimization

Visit Google Pagespeed Insights

To improve web performance it is a great tool. Some people like to gtmetrics for analyzing web page speed and performance. It actually analyzes Yslow and pagespeed insights data together. Both of them have a different working process. The main purpose of pagespeed insight is to give you a set of instructions to make it faster.  Gtmetrix will give you an idea about how fast the site load from different devices.

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