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How To Earn Money From Blog Without Adsense?

This post is for you if you are a new blogger or, you want to earn money from blogging. Firstly, I want to tell you clearly, AdSense is not the only option to monetize a website. There is plenty of option. So, you can earn money from blogs without AdSense.

But, it is not possible to earn money without visitors. So, try to create high-quality content in any niche. Get traffic from Google, Facebook, YouTube or, any websites. If you can get high-quality traffic, you can monetize them. Remember, it is essential that visitors really like your content.

In this article, you will get an idea about Google AdSense alternative options to monetize a website. And answers to some related questions. If you are a new blogger, it will surely help you.

Earn Money With Blogger In 12 Minutes?

Simply it is not possible. But you can create a blog from blogger.com for free. As it is a product of Google, you will get plenty of features and a free blogspot.com subdomain.
But you can create blog posts that need less than 12 minutes. Definition and description about things that are unknown(to the internet world) can help you to earn money. If the article meets the search intent, it will definitely work.

How To Qualify For AdSense On Blogger?

Very simple– create unique content that can fulfill the search intent of the visitors, keep writing for a few weeks, get some visitors from Google, apply and get approval. Don’t break Google rules. You must get the approval. Long-form content on untouched topics works better.

How To Make Money Blogging Without Ads?

how much to earn money from blog

This is not necessary that you have to show ads to earn money. But it is necessary that your website has a significant amount of visitors, and they are interested to hear your words. You can use the bing keyword research tool to get more traffic from the Bing search engine.

In fact, most of the bloggers earn money from affiliate marketing, and they really earn more by referring people to the products than AdSense. Here are some of the ways to earn more money from a blog without Adsense-

1. Affiliate Marketing

This is one of the best options. Or, I can say it is the best option for bloggers according to me. Most of the successful bloggers depend on affiliate earnings. Amazon affiliate is the most popular option.

What is Affiliate Marketing?

Affiliate marketing is a concept in marketing that means you will get a commission by selling products from other people or, other companies. For example- you have a website on WordPress. You can join a WordPress theme or, plugin affiliate program.

There are plenty of affiliate programs available online. If you try to find any niche, you will get an affiliate program on that niche. This website use the ShareASale affiliate program. You can join Shareasale from here.

It is an affiliate network that will allow you to use many programs from a single place. It has a huge number of companies in different niches. You can join any niche that suits your blog. Then you can monetize your blog in several ways-

  • You can put the product link inside relevant articles
  • Show banner ads for a specific product on relevant pages
  • Write reviews on affiliate products to increase the sales

Most of the popular bloggers earn a huge amount of money from affiliate networks. So, you should focus more on creating quality content on a particular niche to bring more visitors. Google always ranks good content. See- google ranking factors

2. Selling Own Products

Sometimes, bloggers feel that affiliate is not a good option. Because they always change their policy. So, your earning may reduce or, increase suddenly. The best way to sell your own products. You can build your own brand. And expand your business. Blogging can bring more customers. Because-

  • People read blog posts and reviews before buying anything
  • You can influence your audience
  • You can spread the qualities of your product by blogging

If you have any physical or, digital product for sell, definitely you can use your blog to spread it over among the targeted community.

3. Selling Sponsored Posts, Not Links

Selling links is not a good practice. It is prohibited according to Google. And we all know that Google is a great source of targeted traffic. So, you can rely on an alternative and more effective option- selling sponsored posts.

If you have visitors in your blog, the companies related to your niche will be attracted to your websites. They will give you money to promote their products. So, you can earn money by selling blog posts dedicated to their products.

You can tell your audience that you are accepting sponsored posts. Almost all the popular blogs get this kind of offer, you also can. You should use nofollow or, sponsored attributes to the sponsored links.

Therefore, Google will understand it. The search engine will not pass authority but visitors to those links only. You can get backlinks naturally in many ways.

4. Alternative Ad Network

There are many good alternatives to Google AdSense. You also can depend on Google-certified partners like Ezoic, Adthrive, Mediavine, and other networks. They can increase earnings.

These are not ad networks but a system that will use a huge number of ad networks and artificial intelligence to show the highest paying ads. I love ezoic, it can increase AdSense earning by its AI system. Join ezoic from here.

Here are some other alternatives-

  • Media.net
  • Taboola
  • Infolinks etc.

You also can use local ad networks in your country or, the country you are targeting. Sometimes, local ad networks can provide a better CPC. To bring more visitors you can use free Google SEO tools.

5. Sell Ad Space & Promote YouTube Channel

Don’t depend on any third party. If you have a good website, you can do a lot of things. You can sell ads directly to the business companies related to your niche. Lots of websites do this to monetize their blogs and websites.

In addition, you can promote your YouTube videos using your blog. It will help you to increase the search presence and rich of those videos. This is a well-known strategy to promote a YouTube channel.

Selling ads is not difficult if you have a huge number of visitors to your websites. Create some blank ad spaces and fix a price. Then show that this ad space is for sale. The interested buyers will contact you.

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