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Tips & Tricks To Write SEO Article- 100% Effective

SEO-friendly articles always rank better in search engines. In this article, we will tell you how to write SEO-friendly articles in 4 easy steps. You can follow these steps to write SEO-friendly content.

Table of Contents-

Whatever you use- SEO content writing tools or, SEO assistant you have to follow some rules to write the best content for the readers. The whole process of optimizing a page for SEO is optimization for human readers, not Google bot.

How To Write SEO Articles In Four Easy Steps

You can follow these simple steps to become an SEO content writer. Or, you can apply these to write SEO-friendly articles for your blog. I hope it will help you a lot

Step 1: Keyword Research


This is the first step. I prefer Google’s keyword planner[^1] the best. It provides the average monthly searches and competition for the keywords. It is the best free tool to find long-tail keywords without limitations.  You can use Ahref, Ubbersuggest, Long tail keyword Pro, SEMRush, and many more tools.

You have to know a few things to rank a keyword- Number of monthly searches, Keyword Difficulty Score, Article Length Needed to Rank on the First Page, and How many authority websites already referring to your competitors.

How popular are they on social media? Yes, this is important to reach more people. Find out and select a keyword on your niche which has the lowest competition with a good amount of monthly visitors.

Q1. How To Do Keyword Research  Using Free SEO Tools?

Ans:  There are many free tools for keyword research. The most famous tools are-

All of them provide the necessary information and all have metrics to decide the difficulty of a keyword. For example- “SEO” is a keyword. It is extremely hard for a new site to rank for this one.

These tools provide a difficulty score analyzing the website authority and backlinks. Search the keyword and find out the keyword with a low difficulty score and high search volume. And make a list of such keywords.

Q2.What Are The Long Tail Keywords?

Ans: A keyword with 3 or, more words are called long-tail keywords in general. These types of key phrases are longer than typically searched keywords.  You can use the free tools mentioned above to find out long-tail keywords. These types of keywords have low search volume and low SEO difficulty. So, you can rank your web page easily with this type of keyword very easily with an in-depth article.

Q3. Is Keyword Planner 100% Accurate?

Ans: There is no SEO tool including the Google keyword planner which is 100% accurate. It collects data from monthly and yearly Google searches and gives it to use in an organized way.  There is no doubt that Google’s keyword planner is the most trusted among the available tools in the market. The data and analysis can help you to find out the best key phrases for you.

Step 2: Competitor Analysis


Read the top 5 to 10 articles that are already ranked on the first page of the search result. Analyze their writing style, research materials, resources, and all other related things.

Visitors already liked the articles on the first page, so there must be some X factor. You have to find out that X factor. Some authority websites already give a link back to those pages, why did they do it? Find out with care, it’s important.

You need to identify the strategy of your competitor. Therefore, you will be able to write SEO-friendly articles as a result.


Competitor analysis process includes-

  • Identifying top competitors
  • Obtaining details of their strategy
  • Finding their area of strength

Purpose of Competitor Analysis Are-

  • Finding the strength and weaknesses of the competitor
  • Creating better content to rank on top
  • Achieving more authority to rank better

Best SEO Tools For Competitor Analysis-

  • Majestic Link Explorar
  • Moz Link Explorer
  • Ahref
  • Ubbersuggest etc.

Inbound link analysis will give you an idea about the competition.

Step 3: Creating an Outline

link architecture in SEO

You have made proper research on keywords, you have analyzed your competitor’s content and web presence. Now, it’s time to create an outline for your content.

Ask yourself- What should be the length of your SEO-friendly articles? How do you want to present them? Create a complete outline of your article.

You already have an idea about the content which people like most. Try to give something better than the available online content.

Try to achieve the three important qualities for your content during making an outline- 

  • Readability of The Article: Keep in mind- readers will come from different parts of the world. They will visit using a variety of devices. Make sure that your web page is responsive and your article is written in a format that everyone can enjoy.
  • SEO Score of The Article: Seo-optimized article will also help the readers. It should focus on a single topic which is the keyword of your article. All the resources and research materials you are using inside your article should be focused on the key topic of the article. It will increase an on-page SEO score and will help to rank better.
  • In-Depth Article Topics And Examples: Start with the most common things and go deeper. Use facts and findings, influence your readers to read till the end. Make an outline for an in-depth article covering all the related topics.

The outline of an article is very important for SEO-optimized content. Maybe you know many things on a particular topic. A bizarre representation will not help you in any way.

Step 4: Finally, Write SEO Friendly Articles

write seo friendly articles

This is the fourth and final step. Follow the common SEO rules. In WordPress, you can use the Yoast SEO plugin or, similar plugins to write the perfect content.

Remember one thing, never use the keyword in an unnatural way. It must look like a natural part of the article. Try to use the keyword or, a synonym of the keyword on Title, URL, Heading, and on First Paragraph. Keep the keyword density below 4%.

Sometimes you see the same result on searches for two different keywords. People do search for the same thing using different keywords. In that case, you can use one of the synonymous keywords.

Follow some of the simple tips to write SEO Optimized content to rank number 1 in Google

  • Use Target Keywords On Title And URL: It is not necessary to use the exact keyword on the title and URL. You can use synonyms and similar search terms. Make sure that it is looking natural
  • Keywords on H1 and First Paragraph: Use the key term or, the key topic on the first heading and first paragraph. Give the reader an idea about your content. Keeping keyword density below 3% is better.
  • Write an In-Depth Article On Specific Idea: Writing long content will not help you if it doesn’t attract the readers. Don’t move away from the key concept. Go deep into the idea, share researches, videos, infographics, and more if necessary. Cover all the areas related to the main keyword. And write SEO friendly articles

Use Sub Keywords On Sub Headings:

Google usually shows rich results on searches. A 2000+ words long article can rank for hundreds of search terms. So, keep that concept in mind and write SEO friendly articles of 1500+ or, 2000+ words to rank better in searches. 

During keyword research don’t avoid Google search engine suggested keywords with the lowest search volume. Those terms may rank your article on top. A longer article with such key phrases will rank for a significant number of search terms. These will give authority to the main keywords. And over time the main keyword will come to the first page.

Google search console can help you to write and edit existing SEO articles– Watch the google search console search terms. Some of your web pages may rank for some keywords which you did not include in the article. Now, include them in the existing article. And write a new article if needed. Google has some awesome free tools.

Free SEO  Writing Tools

There are some great free tools for SEO writing. We know that articles need to be grammatical-error-free and readable. Some tools can do the job perfectly for you-

1. Real-Time Content Analysis With Yoast

If you are a WordPress user, you may be familiar with Yoast. It is a great SEO plugin for a WordPress website. They help to analyze the content for SEO and readability. It considers many things-

  • Transition Word
  • Copy Score
  • Passive voice and Sentence length
  • Image al tag, H1, Subheading, etc.

You must like the tool. Check it now

2. Hemingway Editor

If you are a newbie or, non-native writer. I recommend this to you. It is more than just a simple online tool. It will show you how to improve your writing. It will show you-

  • Where should you edit the article
  • Improve the readability
  • Categorize your writing capability

Try the Hemingway app from here

3. Wordcounter

Google doesn’t care about keyword density. But too much is always bad. Using a keyword a single time is also less impactful. You can count words and the density of words using this tool.

It will show you word, sentence, paragraph, and the number of times a particular word is used. I really like this tool very much while writing an article. As an advanced writer, you can optimize your article for multiple keywords using this tool.

You also can buy articles from SEO marketplaces.

SEO Content Writing Templates

We all know that SEMrush is one of the most popular SEO marketing tools. They also provide an SEO content writing template that can help you a lot.

When we decide to write an article a few things comes to mind-

  • What is the difficulty Score of the keyword?
  • How long should be the article?
  • How many backlinks do I need?
  • What should be the strength of the backlinks
  • What should be the readability score of my article?

Do you need the answer to all these questions? SEMrush tool provides all the answers for you. And it’s free.

A misconception is very popular that SEO-optimized content is the content for search engines. No, it’s not true.  Blogger and article writers always write articles for readers, not for search engines.

And obviously, search engines care most about user-friendly content. If the user likes the content search engine must show it on the first-page search result.

I hope the article helps you to know how to create SEO articles in four easy steps. Please, share your thoughts in the comment section below.

Questions & Answers

What is an SEO-friendly article?

An article that can satisfy the largest number of readers is an SEO-friendly article. The search engines like Google and Bing want you to write for the readers. If you use the relevant keywords inside the article that people search for, you will get more visitors. Google is updating regularly to understand the synonyms of keywords as well. So, focus completely on the reader’s intent.

How do you put keywords in an article?

I put the keywords that are relevant to the article. If the keywords are not relevant, you should not use them. At the same time, you need to check the search volume. There are some keywords that no one search for. You can use Google keyword planner, SEMRush, Longtailpro or, any other tools to get it.

How do I write better keywords?

To write better keywords inside the article, you need to know about the basics of keyword research and enrich your vocabulary. You can use different SEO keyword research tools to reach more visitors. Tools like Google keyword planner or, bing keyword research tool can help you to find the better keywords.

How do you find keywords in an article?

I usually do searches on the Google search engine. They always suggest relevant keywords. If you notice google search result, you will find the suggestion below. Also, I use Google keyword planner and some paid tools to generate more keyword ideas.



  1. Google Keyword Planner
  2. Ubbersuggest- Keyword Research Tool
  3. 7 Competitor Analysis Discoveries To Guide Your Content Strategy

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